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Muthoni Muiruri

Literary Advocate, Podcaster, Entrepreneur & Cultural Curator

"In the grand scheme of things, you are a minute aspect of the universe, yet your presence and impact reverberates across spaces and geography, lives and hearts. Your story matters."

Muthoni Muiruri


Welcome to my little corner of influence... 

My name is Muthoni Muiruri and I firmly believe in the transformative power of books and stories to ignite positive social change.


Human beings naturally think in stories, it is a default mode of human thought and the means by which we understand ourselves. It is how we process information and comprehend complex social situations. As an African living in the global south, I am cognisant of the historical imbalance in the way stories of and about Africans have been told and the harmful narratives that have been reinforced through this imbalanced portrayal. Through my work, I seek to restore the balance by shifting focus back to Africans as agents of their own stories and to advocate for the amplification of our African stories.


Shifting the focus to African stories  places us front and centre as agents of our destinies and communicates that our concerns, our worries, and experiences are valid and worthy of discussion.

My Pillars



Knowledge Sharing





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